Module OgamlCore.Event

Contains all events


ButtonEvent Mouse button event information
KeyEvent Key event information
type t = ...
A variant type describing the possible events

Possible values

The window sending the event has been closed
Resized of OgamlMath.Vector2i.t
The window has been resized by the user
KeyPressed of KeyEvent.t
A key has been pressed
KeyReleased of KeyEvent.t
A key has been released
ButtonPressed of ButtonEvent.t
A mouse button has been pressed
ButtonReleased of ButtonEvent.t
A mouse button has been released
MouseMoved of OgamlMath.Vector2i.t
The mouse has been moved
MouseWheelMoved of float
The mouse wheel has been moved of delta

See : OgamlCore.Event.KeyEvent
See : OgamlCore.Event.ButtonEvent